今天的小故事,是来自《牛津阅读树》的《In the Garden(花园奇遇记)》,主人公Biff、Chip和Kipper和他们的爸爸妈妈还有小狗Floopy生活在伦敦,他们还有两个好朋友Wilf和Wilma。小伙伴们有一把神奇的钥匙,每当钥匙发光,孩子们就会开启一段奇妙的探险之旅!
《In the Garden》正文
Kipper went into Chip's room and picked up the magic key.Kipper走进Chip的房间,捡起了魔法钥匙。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/14460.html
The key began to glow. 钥匙发出神奇的光。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/14460.html
"Oh help !" said Kipper.Kipper吓一跳,喊道:“救命啊 !”文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/14460.html
Kipper ran outside and looked for Biff and Chip.Kipper赶忙跑了出来,一边寻找Biff和Chip。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/14460.html
"Help!" he called."The key is glowing."一边大喊:“救命啊,钥匙发光了!”文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/14460.html
Biff and Chip were playing with Wilf and Wilma,they were playing in the sandpit.Biff,Chip正和Wilf,Wilma在沙坑玩的高兴呢。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/14460.html
"Look at the magic key."called Kipper.Kipper仍然大喊:“快看,快看魔法钥匙。”文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/14460.html
Biff was cross with Kipper.Biff对Kipper感到很生气。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/14460.html
"Come on everyone ," she yelled,"Run inside , get to the magic house."并大声喊道:“快快快,所有人快躲到魔法屋里。”文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/14460.html
It was too late.一切都太晚了。文章源自 三年一班有声绘本 https://www.3n1b.com三年一班-https://www.3n1b.com/14460.html
The magic began to work.魔法已经生效。
The children got smaller and smaller.孩子们变得越来越小。
The children were in the grass and everything looked big.变小后的他们在草丛里,周围的一切看起来都是如此的巨大。
The grass was like a jungle.这时候,草丛就像是丛林一样。
"What big flowers!" said Kipper.“好大的一朵花。”Kipper说。
Chip saw a bumble-bee,he didn't like it and he didn't like the jungle.Chip看到一只大黄蜂,他讨厌大黄蜂,也讨厌这个丛林似的草丛。
"Let's get out of here," he called.于是他号召大家,“我们离开这里吧。”
The children came out of the jungle,they came to a mountain.孩子们离开了丛林,来到一座山前。
"What a big mountain!" said Wiff.“好大的一座山啊。”Wilf说。
Chip began to climb,he wanted to get to the top.Chip开始攀爬,他想爬到山顶。
"Come on," he said ,"Let's climb up."“加油,我们一起爬吧。”他不时的给大家打气。
The children got to the top.他们终于爬到了山顶。
Kipper was hot ,"I don't like climbing mountains," he said.Kipper感觉很热,抱怨的说:“我不喜欢爬山。”
The children looked at the sand.看着眼前的沙子。
"It looks like a desert," said Biff.Biff说:“这里看起来像是一片沙漠,我们下去吧。”
"Oh no !" said Kipper.“不,才不要。”Kipper急忙反驳。
"Look at the toy car ," said Wilma ,"Let's get inside and ride down,we can ride down to the desert."Wilma看到一辆玩具车,说:“ 快看,这有一辆玩具车,我们可以开着它下到沙漠。”
The car took them down the mountain.他们开着玩具车下了山。
"This is fun ," said Wilma.Wilma开心地说:“好好玩啊。”
The car stopped in the sand.车在沙子中无法前进,停了下来。
The children climbed out.孩子们从车里爬出来。
"Oh no!" said Wilf."Look at that big cat."这时候,Wilf喊到:“哦,不,快看,快看那只大猫。”
The cat looked inside the bottle.这只大猫朝瓶子中看了看。
It pushed it with its paw.用它的的爪子向前推着瓶子。
"Go away,cat,"shouted Kipper.Kipper大喊:“走开,大猫。”
"Shoo!"everyong yelled.大家也跟着喊:“走开,快走开。”
Floppy chased the cat away.这时候,狗狗Floppy跑了过来,吓走大猫,并追了上去。
The children climbed out of the bottle.孩子们赶紧从瓶子里爬了出来。
"Good old Floppy!"said Biff.“好样的,Floppy。”Biff说。
They walked over the desert.孩子们穿过沙漠。
Everyone felt very hot.所有人都感到特别的热。
"I want a drink," said Kipper.这时候,Kipper说,“我想要喝东西。”
"Look !" said Wilf , " Giant strawberries!"“看,好大的草莓。”Wilf兴奋的喊。
The children ran to eat them.孩子们都跑去吃草莓。
"I love strawberries," said Chip.“我喜欢草莓,”Chip说。
"So do I," said Wiff.“我也是,我也是。”Wilf表示赞同。
The children ate the strawberries.所有人都吃上了草莓。
They pulled off big lumps.他们摘了好多大个的草莓。
Kipper licked his lips,"I like this adventure now," he said.Kipper舔舔嘴巴说,“现在我喜欢这次冒险之旅了。”
It began to rain.忽然,天下起了雨。
"What big drops!" said Wilma.“好大的雨滴!”Wilma说。
"I feel sick now,"said Kipper.“我感到不舒服。”Kipper说。
"So do I," said Chip.“我也是。”Chip说。
The children ran to a giant flowerpot,they hid under it.孩子们跑到巨大的花盆底下去躲雨。
The key began to glow.这时候,魔法钥匙又开始发光。
The magic was over.魔法失效了。
"I can't see," said Chip.“我什么都看不见了。”Chip惊叫。
He had the flowerpot on his head.那是因为他头顶着刚才躲雨的花盆。
"I like the hat," said Wilma.Wilma说:“我喜欢这个帽子。”
Dad looked at his strawberries.这时候,爸爸走进花园,看了看草莓。
"I don't know," he said,there must be giant slugs round here."说:“我不知道发生了什么,这里肯定有特别大的鼻涕虫。”